Chris Mulhall
Chris is responsible for central leadership of the company with management his team.
Chris has a history in IT since 1986, starting out on ICL mainframes! Since then, he has focused on cutting edge technology across a whole range of industries from Oil/Gas, Banking and Telecoms. Since 2007, he has been active in Sub Saharan Africa representing a number of multinational corporations before setting up the parent company in 2019.

Ernest Mhlongo
Ernest is responsible for providing strategic leadership for the team.
A South African entrepreneur, Co-Founder and Chief Executive at Remote Doctors . Ernest E Mhlongo is a dedicated and highly motivated leader with more than two decades of business experience, in Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ), Small to Large business enterprises, with improved best value results.
Ernest has a BEng Hons degree from the University of Pretoria. Prior to joining Remote Doctors as a cofounder , he held various positions in the Information and communications technology (ICT) field at MTN, Syntell and Tellumat.
He joined Remote Doctors in 2019 as the Chief Executive Officer to spearhead the company's strategy to bridge the digital divide in Africa . His current position integrates new business activities, and he is responsible for providing strategic leadership to the team for designing solutions to key challenges concerning the Healthcare sector.

Swys Kotze
Swys is responsible for all aspects of daily operations, project delivery and Finance.
Swys has an Administration Diploma from University of South Africa (Unisa)
Prior to joining Remote Doctors for Africa as co-founder he is still director of his own company running day to day operations as Industrial Project Manager and contracts to a leading International Inspection, Testing, Certification and Verification Company.
He has more than 12 years’ experience in the in the Industrial Quality Inspection and Certification sector managing various local and International Projects.
His current position integrates all business activities to create solutions, plan and deliver in a structured professional way as agreed with clients.

Lucien Paulson
Lucien heads up all the project planning and development for both the RD4A Health Ecosystem as well as the OKdoc Application.
• Actively involved in the ICT industry since 1993.
• Formalised his dedication to the sector by starting a highly successful ISP (Internet Service Provider) company which developed into a consulting organisation.
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• Project managed multiple projects in the Fintech sector over many years.
• Passion for developing skills in other led to being appointed to the World Skills Organisation and led the South African ICT sector team through 3 World Skills
Olympicais in Brazil, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. (https://worldskills.org).
• On the board of numerous ICT companies and actively heading 'Plum Systems', a digital think-tank, since 2014.
• Holds a Masters Degree in Material Engineering from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
• Recognised for innovation and invention in the international ICT space and amassing numerous pioneering milestones in the Fintech field.