Advantages using OKdoc and joining the RD4A Health Ecosystem!
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Using the mobile phone app OKdoc to book and attend healthcare consultations offers patients many great advantages such as , not missing appointments, ease of obtaining a prescription, managing repeat prescriptions.
The patient is also benefitted in other ways, they get real live one on one attention from a skilled and vetted healthcare giver unlike when they visit over crouded clinics that might also be short satffed. Using OKdoc offers patients private, efficient, effective and well targeted treatment sessions which improves their overall healthcare consultation experience.
An then there is the medical history which is stored in an encrypted information vault at patient at that time through a live video conference. The the complete treatment record from that consultation is automatically added to their digital medical history
As for that irritating form that patients normaly have to complete every time they walk into a new doctor's waiting room. With OKdoc they only ever need to fill out a registration form once, and it will be there available for ever, available to every new healthcare professional they interacvct with on OKdoc, being automatically updated and added to in realtime after every interaction inside the RD4A Health Ecosystem or on OKdoc. Which means Less Paperwork, No Lost Records, No Needless Repitition and Less time wasting and Automatic Privacy Legislation Compliance!